Tuesday 22 June 2010

Bad comedy!

So, there are many comedians, some quite family friendly, some not quite so!

Comedians have a habit of picking up on the bad things people do, and generally the bad things in society, and then using this to earn a laugh, some comedians can be quite offensive, but they proclaim it all in the name of good comedy.

Many jokes are constantly passed around by phone or by word of mouth, and some of these can be racist, sexist and pick on every aspect of people that society may deem wrong, such as obese people, religion etc.

The majority of this has been removed from main stream comedy, but it still gets passed around, and is it really right to claim amnesty from consequences in the name of comedy?


Thursday 17 June 2010

Response to Siobhan's post on Internet stalking

I agree with Siobhan, it can be risky putting personal information up on the internet on sites such as facebook and myspace, however, there are advantages to this.

Imagine a world without such things, many people would never have met each other, i have a number of friends who i originally began speaking to over facebook, who i then went on to meet face to face (in public places, naturally). We then hit it off and became good friends! It also provides an opportunity to keep in touch with others who we may have very little real contact with!

However, cyber stalking and bullying are always a problem, with every great thing there will come a problem, its as simple as that! The ability to follow people, on sites such as twitter, also makes stalking that little bit easier!


Tuesday 15 June 2010

Being Bad Cinema!

I recently re-watched the films 'Kids' for the purpose of a blog entry, and i really wish i hadnt of had to watch it again tbh, it makes me feel quite uneasy. Sure it might not be as bad as some of the movies created now, but some of the stuff these kids get up to, kind of makes you think, "what if i had gone that way?"

A kid who's goal is to de-virginise as many young girls as he can, and then proceed to dump them, and hates protection, thereby spreading the infection of the HIV virus, and a young lad so high on drugs and alcohol, that he proceeds to rape a girl who is also passed out.

Almost for a second you can take solace in the fact that this is just a film, until you do eventually realise that this is very likely to happen in reality, because kids grow up in the wrong circumstances, and therefore take the wrong path through life.


Saturday 12 June 2010

'Drugs are bad!'

Drugs, there are good and bad types, respectively. Those that will help to cure people of an illness, prevent pain, and those that are for 'Recreational use'. We all take paracetamol or ibuprofen from time to time, if we feel a headache its the first thing the majority of us reach for!

However, there are drugs, such as ecstasy, Cocaine, Cannabis and Heroin that most of us know to stay away from, but others will see it as an opportunity to "experience something new" or "get away from reality". With new drugs being introduced all the time, it wont be long before the majority of our youth are dying from overdoses, incredibly strong new drugs and peer pressure!

The recently discovered drug known as 'm-cat' has been shown to kill many of those who take it, as it can easily contribute towards death!


Friday 11 June 2010

Response to Jess' post on prostitution!

After reading Jess' post on prostitution, i realised, we do look at a 'sex worker' and automatically think of disgust, however, shouldnt we honestly feel pity or something? These people have obviously either chosen this path for serious reasons, or they have been forced into it, either way, they obviously need help out of their situation, but possibly the majority do not want help.

It is the idea of being a good samaritan, but do most of us not think 'Somebody else will come along and help'? The idea of self preservation always comes first to most people. Therefore, we should not judge those we are not willing to help ourselves, if their situation could have been caused by a number of outside sources!


Wednesday 9 June 2010


Protitution is known as the oldest profession there is, there has always been a need for sexual activity as long as humans have been on this earth, and the idea that one can gain personally by using their body, is not unknown!

Majoratively women partake in prostitution, as men seem to have a higher sex drive than women, and one does wonder, how doesa person come to the point where their only option is to sell their body for sex?

This was brought to my mind by the recent murders of prostitutes by a man, who seemed to be a copycat killer. It show's that this line of work is incredibly dangerous, since your offering yourself to other people, they may turn aggressive, and ultimately end in bad circumstances for one party or another!


Tuesday 8 June 2010

Swearing and social situation!

As i mentioned in my comment on Jess' post, i often like t use light swearing to earn a laugh when i feel tension, and non more so than when it includes, i felt an argument brewing between my parents and my sister, she was being told off, so during a short silence i did shout "yeah Bi£$%!" in a comical voice, and earned a laugh, and from there they all seemed to calm down and talk it out, thereby avoiding an argument!

However, i did get told to "F"*& off" by a random guy in town, as i walked past him, which he found funny, but i honestly didnt, and obviously, it depends for what reason your swearing really, on how bad it can be!


Monday 7 June 2010

Comment on Jess's Swearing post

I agree here that swearing at people you dont know is seriously impolite, however, swearing in front of friends isnt such a stigma, especially in an environment where your comfortable, in honesty it can be quite amusing at times!

Often in my own house when i hear somebody being told to do something or i feel an argument brewing between two people, i often shout "yeah bi$%^!" in the gaps in conversation, and this often calms the situation down by earning a laugh, however, i dont swear at people i dont know, especially in an offensive way!


Saturday 5 June 2010

Tattoo's and piercings!

The body is a strange thing, to some it is a temple, meant to be preserved, and to others, it is a blank canvas upon which they can create art! It is possible to see many more people in modern society sporting tattoo's and piercing's, because they arent as much of a stigma as they once were. Many popular piercings have taken over, such as lip piercing, ear stretching, and nose piercing. Popular tattoo's include 'sleeves'.

However! This is when done correctly, incorrect piercings and tattoo's, such as those done at home can cause major infections, serious complications, and many times will lead to scarring of the area!


Friday 4 June 2010

Alcohol and you!

So, i discovered a new drink this weekend, called a hulk, mixing a few drinks together, to make a green substance! It is highly intoxicating, takes maybe 3-4 pints of it to get somebody very drunk! The relevance of this? Four pints of this stuff costs about £6! It probably isnt very good for you either, but then again, people are always looking for the cheapest way's to get drunk are they not? Then again, i did buy it myself and i had a good night! :)


Thursday 27 May 2010

Bad Comedian

So, i was watching Frankie Boyle and realised he is quite a bad comedian, he can make you laugh quite easily, but his material tends to be quite graphic and offensive, but not to the point where you say, "oh no thats terrible"! He seems to have something against the Catholic Priesthood in particular! Frankie is living proof that being a 'bad comedian' can actually be funny!


Monday 26 April 2010


So, i've just had my night smoke, and i realised how addicted i am!
I have tried to quit before, and i was unsuccessful obviously.
However, this does not mean i wont try again!
The problem with addiction, is that you never feel it coming, you expect to feel some dramatic change in your body, yet, i never even noticed my addiction to smoking until it was too late, i assumed i would be able to quit at any time!
It's gonna be tough when i try again!


Thursday 11 February 2010

Week 12 idea's?

Hmm, ok, an idea for week 12? Well, looking at the syllabus i guess a trip involving drugs or infidelity is out of the question? Then, maybe a field trip to see Roy 'Chubby' Brown might be an option, considering we look at nasty comedians? As far as i know he's one of the most lewd comediands out there! :)